85. Journal Club with BMJ Thorax – Airway Disease

We are extremely excited today to announce a new collaboration with BMJ Thorax. Our mission at Pulm PEEPs is to disseminate and promote pulmonary and critical care education, and we highly value the importance of peer reviewed journals in this endeavor. Each month in BMJ Thorax, a journal club is published looking at high yield and impactful publications in pulmonary medicine. We will be putting out quarterly episodes in association with Thorax to discuss a journal club publication and synthesize four valuable papers. We hope you enjoy!

Chris Turnbull is an Associate Editor for Education at Thorax. He is an Honorary Researcher and Respiratory Medicine Consultant at Oxford University Hospitals. In addition to his role as Associate Editor for Education at BMJ Thorax, he is also a prominent researcher in sleep-related breathing disorders.

 Imran Howell is an Asthma Fellow at the Nuffield Department of Medicine, University of Oxford

To submit a journal club article of your own to Thorax, you can contact Chris directly – christopher.turnbull@ouh.nhs.uk

To engage with Thorax, please use the social media channels (Twitter – @ThoraxBMJ; Facebook – Thorax.BMJ) and subscribe on your preferred platform, to get the latest episodes directly on your device each month.