54. Top Consults: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule

We are thrilled to be back with another episode in our Top Consults series. We are talking about Solitary Pulmonary Nodules, which is something every pulmonologist will encounter in the clinic and on in-patient consults. We go through a number of cases and provide a framework for approaching these cases.

Meet our guests

Dr. Jessica Wang Memoli is board certified in pulmonary disease, critical care medicine and internal medicine. She is the Director of Bronchoscopy and Interventional Pulmonary, as well as the Associate Fellowship Program Director for Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center. Dr. Wang Memoli received her medical degree from the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. She completed her residency at MedStar Washington Hospital Center and her fellowship training at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston.

Dr. Nick Ghionni works at Union Memorial, Good Samaritan, and Franklin Square as an Intensivist and Pulmonologist. He completed his Internal Medicine residency at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in PA serving as Chief Internal Medicine resident. He was a fellow at MedStar Washington Hospital Center where he was the Chief Pulmonary Critical Care Fellow. His specific interests include mechanical ventilation, POCUS, and medical education.

Case Presentations

Case 1:

33 year old woman who came to the emergency department with acute onset of shortness of breath. She states that she had been in her normal state of health until this morning when she developed shortness of breath at rest, and chest pain. She does report a non-productive cough over the last few weeks which she feels may be contributing to her chest pain. She does report a history of asthma during childhood but without any exacerbations or maintenance therapies needed during her adulthood. She does report wheezing when she is sick with a cold but this is infrequent. The ED team sent off an initial work-up including a D-Dimer which was elevated, and she underwent a CTA of the chest for concern for possible PE. On the CT scan, there was no PE but the radiologist did call a “2 mm indeterminate right upper lobe pulmonary nodule.”

Case 2:

We have a 67-year-old male with a past medical history of ischemic cardiomyopathy, chronic systolic heart failure (LVEF 10-15%), s/p AICD, diabetes mellitus type 2, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, chronic kidney disease stage III, prostate cancer s/p seed implantation that was over 15 years ago who presented with acute decompensation of his heart failure and cardiogenic shock. He was successfully managed for that and is now being worked up by advanced HF and as a part of that workup got a chest CT, which found a RUL 6 mm nodule.

Case 3:

We have a 66-year-old male with a past medical history of HTN and drug abuse who presented to the ED with acute SOB, likely a COPD exacerbation. He was given bronchodilator and steroids as well as being started on Bipap. He eventually was able to be weaned off Bipap and was able to tolerate nasal cannula. As a part of his initial work up, the patient underwent CT scan for possible PE which demonstrated a new LUL spiculated nodule that is 1.3cm that is new since 2019.

Key Learning Points

Approaching Pulmonary Nodules:

  1. A structured approach is essential due to the complexities of diagnosing pulmonary nodules.
  2. Patient history, including risk factors, past interventions, and imaging, plays a vital role.
  3. Nodules’ appearance, such as location, shape, or characteristics like calcification or spiculation, can provide diagnostic clues.
  4. The nodules history on serial imaging is a key predictive risk factor for determining the likelihood that the nodule represents cancer
  5. Tools like the Mayo Risk Calculator and Fleishner Society guidelines assist in risk assessment and guidance.
  6. It’s essential to assess patient risk, and nodule risk, and prioritize patient concerns and education. Periodic monitoring or follow-up might be necessary based on the nodule’s risk and size.
  7. A multidisciplinary approach involving various specialists ensures comprehensive care.

Key Discussion Points:

PET Scans:

  1. Useful in gauging a nodule or tumor’s metabolic activity.
  2. Large, hypermetabolic nodules are suspicious.
  3. Not every positive PET result means malignancy; other causes like inflammation or scars can produce positive results.

Evaluating Nodules:

  1. Consideration of nodule size, characteristics, patient history, and risk calculators is crucial.
  2. Tumor boards provide a collaborative expertise approach.

Tissue Sampling & Testing:

  1. The method of tissue sampling depends on resources and expertise.
  2. CT-guided biopsy offers a high diagnostic yield but with a risk of pneumothorax.
  3. Bronchoscopic biopsy provides a lower diagnostic yield than CT-guided biopsy but has a significantly reduced risk of complications.
  4. Advanced diseases now often require molecular testing on tissue samples.

Ground Glass Nodules:

  1. Different from solid nodules due to their slow growth rate.
  2. Monitoring is crucial due to the potential for transformations raising cancer suspicions.
  3. The approach for ground glass nodules typically involves more extended monitoring intervals than for solid nodules.

Holistic Evaluation:

  1. Consider the nodule’s characteristics, the patient’s history, and clinical intuition.
  2. Individualized patient assessment is as vital as evidence-based guidelines and clinical expertise.

See the infographic for a summary of key learning points:

References and further reading

Loverdos K, Fotiadis A, Kontogianni C, Iliopoulou M, Gaga M. Lung nodules: A comprehensive review on current approach and management. Ann Thorac Med. 2019 Oct-Dec;14(4):226-238. doi: 10.4103/atm.ATM_110_19. PMID: 31620206; PMCID: PMC6784443.

Mazzone PJ, Lam L. Evaluating the Patient With a Pulmonary Nodule: A Review. JAMA. 2022 Jan 18;327(3):264-273. doi: 10.1001/jama.2021.24287. PMID: 35040882.

MacMahon H, Naidich DP, Goo JM, Lee KS, Leung ANC, Mayo JR, Mehta AC, Ohno Y, Powell CA, Prokop M, Rubin GD, Schaefer-Prokop CM, Travis WD, Van Schil PE, Bankier AA. Guidelines for Management of Incidental Pulmonary Nodules Detected on CT Images: From the Fleischner Society 2017. Radiology. 2017 Jul;284(1):228-243. doi: 10.1148/radiol.2017161659. Epub 2017 Feb 23. PMID: 28240562.

Wahidi MM, Govert JA, Goudar RK, Gould MK, McCrory DC; American College of Chest Physicians. Evidence for the treatment of patients with pulmonary nodules: when is it lung cancer?: ACCP evidence-based clinical practice guidelines (2nd edition). Chest. 2007 Sep;132(3 Suppl):94S-107S. doi: 10.1378/chest.07-1352. PMID: 17873163.

Godoy MC, Sabloff B, Naidich DP. Subsolid pulmonary nodules: imaging evaluation and strategic management. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2012 Jul;18(4):304-12. doi: 10.1097/MCP.0b013e328354a5f2. PMID: 22575798.

Hammer MM, Hatabu H. Subsolid pulmonary nodules: Controversy and perspective. Eur J Radiol Open. 2020 Sep 4;7:100267. doi: 10.1016/j.ejro.2020.100267. PMID: 32944597; PMCID: PMC7481135.

53. CHEST 2023 Preview

We are thrilled today to be previewing CHEST 2023! The Annual Meeting is taking place October 8th – 11th in Honolulu, Hawaii, and we are joined today by CHEST enthusiasts and the past, present, and future conference chairs. Listen now to hear what is in store for you next month in Hawaii, to plan your conference experience, and find out what sessions are can’t-miss!

Meet Our Guests

Aneesa Das is a Professor of Medicine at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center. She is the Assistant Director of the OSU Sleep Program and the Director of the Portable Sleep Testing Program. She was the Vice-Chair of the CHEST 2022 Scientific Programming Committee, and the Chair for 2023

Subani Chandra is an Associate Professor at Columbia University. She is the Vice Chair of Medicine for Education, and the internal medicine residency program director. She was the chair of the CHEST Scientific Program Committee for CHEST in 2022 and joined us when we came to you live from Nashville last year. Subani is currently the Chair for the Training and Transitions Committee for CHEST.

Gabe Bosslet is a Professor of Clinical Medicine in the Department of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep and Occupational Medicine at Indiana University. He is the Assistant Dean for Faculty Affairs and Professional Development at IU. He is the current Vice Chair of the CHEST 2023 Scientific Programming Committee and the Chair Elect for CHEST 2024.

Huzaifah Salat is a budding clinician educator who is currently working as a consultant pulmonologist and intensivist at Advocate Aurora Health in Wisconsin. He recently completed his Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. He has worked with Pulm PEEPs before on some fantastic Tweetorials.

CHEST’s Local Efforts and Initiatives to Support Survivors of the Maui Wildfires



CHEST 2023 Links

Register for the conference: https://www.chestnet.org/Learning-and-Events/Events/CHEST-Annual-Meeting

CHEST 2023 Programming: https://events.rdmobile.com/Sessions/Index/16477

CHEST 2023 Session Information: https://www.chestnet.org/Learning-and-Events/Events/CHEST-Annual-Meeting/Sessions

Future CHEST Annual Meetings:

2024: October 6-9 | Boston, Massachusetts
2025: October 19-22 | Chicago, Illinois
2026: October 18-21 | Phoenix, Arizona
2027: October 24-27 | Vancouver, BC, Canada

Radiology Rounds – 9/5/23

Tuesday is time for another #RadiologyRounds! Time for some CXR reading and a differential diagnosis mnemonic Two women presented to the hospital with similar presentations. They are both in their 80s with multiple weeks of cough, fever, and fatigue. Here are the CXRs

The CXRs both showed cavities. They are thick-walled (>4mm) and gas-filled. Cavitary lung lesions are seen within infiltrates, nodules, or masses. There can be an air-fluid level within the cavity. Cysts have thinner walls. The findings were confirmed on CT scan

Cavitary lung lesions can have a broad differential so it is helpful to have a systematic approach. To make it easy, when you see this just remember: CAVITY

Bonus points to anyone who can fill in the Y

Both patients were ultimately diagnosed with pulmonary abscesses which improved with prolonged courses of antibiotics with anaerobic and gram-negative coverage.

52. Fellows’ Case Files: University of Pittsburgh

We’re excited to be back with another Fellows’ Case Files. Today, we’re visiting the University of Pittsburgh to meet a fantastic fellow and a dedicated educator, and to hear about a fascinating case. Let us know if you’ve ever had a similar case, and share your interesting cases with us!

Meet Our Guests

Rachel Wojcik obtained her B.S. in Biology from Mercyhurst University and a Master’s in Liberal Studies from the University of Denver in Global Affairs with a focus on Healthcare. She completed her MD at the University of Colorado before completing her residency and chief resident year at the University of Pittsburgh and has continued her training at Pitt for PCCM fellowship.

Dr. Stephanie Maximous is an Assistant Professor of  Medicine at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and is the Clinical Education APD for the Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship program. She completed her fellowship at Pitt in addition to obtaining a Master’s Degree in Medical Education there. She teaches in and directs courses throughout the medical school, residency, and fellowship and was recently awarded the 2023 Outstanding Subspecialty Teaching Attending Award from the housestaff.

Case Presentation

Patient: A 70-year-old male with a history of idiopathic thrombocytopenia on chronic prednisone and a history of tobacco use disorder.

Presentation: Came to the hospital with 2-3 days of right-sided weakness and slurred speech.

Findings: MRI showed a moderate-sized left pontine stroke. A CT angiogram of the neck showed no evidence of an occlusion, but a spiculated two-centimeter nodule at the apex of the left lung was found.

Additional Information: He requires a walker for mobility and needs help with activities like taking a shower and dressing. He had an unintentional 20-pound weight loss over six months, increased fatigue, and malaise.

Previous Investigations: A chest x-ray ordered two months prior by his hematologist was unremarkable, and a CT of the abdomen and pelvis showed no masses.

Key Learning Points

Bronchoscopy in Decision Making:

  • The decision to perform bronchoscopy in patients depends on a myriad of factors, including the location of any lesions, accessibility, potential risks, and the potential diagnostic yield.
  • Fiber optic bronchoscopy with BAL can rule out infections, and if no diagnosis is reached, more invasive methods like surgical biopsy might be necessary.
  • Consider the location of consolidated masses; navigational bronchoscopy might be needed for lesions without a clear airway leading into them.

Nocardia Insights:

  • Nocardia is a gram-positive bacterium that stains weakly acid-fast.
  • It can be found in soil and certain water sources and can infect through the skin or by inhalation.
  • Two-thirds of patients with Nocardia are immunocompromised.
  • The dosage of Bactrim given for PJP prophylaxis doesn’t prevent Nocardia infections in immunocompromised individuals.
  • While the lungs are the most common infection site, Nocardia can manifest elsewhere, like the skin or CNS.

Treatment Approach:

  • Bactrim is the mainstay of treatment for Nocardia. If someone is allergic, desensitizing them can be crucial.
  • IV induction phases vary in length depending on the severity of the disease.
  • The overall treatment duration is protracted to prevent relapse.

Takeaway Points:

  • Bactrim for PJP prophylaxis doesn’t necessarily prevent Nocardia infections in immunocompromised individuals.
  • If someone is allergic to Bactrim, consider desensitizing them due to its importance in treating Nocardia.

References and Further Reading:

Menéndez R, Cordero PJ, Santos M, Gobernado M, Marco V. Pulmonary infection with Nocardia species: a report of 10 cases and review. Eur Respir J. 1997 Jul;10(7):1542-6. doi: 10.1183/09031936.97.10071542. PMID: 9230244.

Zia K, Nafees T, Faizan M, Salam O, Asad SI, Khan YA, Altaf A. Ten Year Review of Pulmonary Nocardiosis: A Series of 55 Cases. Cureus. 2019 May 26;11(5):e4759. doi: 10.7759/cureus.4759. PMID: 31363440; PMCID: PMC6663111.

Radiology Rounds – 8/22/23

Time for #RadiologyRounds! This week we have a man in his 70s with CLL s/p treatment now in remission. He had fevers, a dry cough, and malaise that initially improved outpatient with antibiotics but have now recurred.

Check out the video of his CT scan here

The CT had multiple findings including small nodules, consolidations, and bands of fibrosis around the secondary pulmonary nodules. This is known as Arcade-Like Sign and has classically been described with COP. While it can make you think COP, it has a low sensitivity

The patient underwent bronchoscopy with Tbbx given the suspicion for OP. The BAL was negative for bacterial, viral, fungal, or mycobacterial infection. The histopathology revealed organizing pneumonia. The patient was started on glucocorticoids and all symptoms improved

51. The DEI Pipeline in PCCM in Collaboration with the ATS Critical Care Assembly

Welcome to our final episode highlighting content featured through the ATS Critical Care Assembly from ATS 2023. Today we are going to be talking about one of the Critical Care Assembly symposiums entitled: Fail Smarter and Learn Faster: Moving Beyond Bystander Training to Organizational Strategies to Reinforce the DEI Pipeline in Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine.

Meet our Guest

Liz Viglianti is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Michigan. In addition to obtaining her MD at Duke, and completing her residency and fellowship at Michigan, she also has an MPH and completed a Masters of Science in Health and Healthcare Research at the University of Michigan. Her research focuses include persistent critical illness and sexual harassment within medicine.

Juan Celedón is a Professor of Pediatrics, and a Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, and Human Genetics at the University of Pittsburgh, where he is also the Division Chief of Pediatric Pulmonology. In addition to his MD and pulmonary pediatric specialty, he has a doctoral degree in Public Health. He is a world renowned researcher, has been recognized for his scientific achievements by multiple societies including the ATS and the American Pediatric Society, leads large NIH funded research initiatives, and is the author of 100s of publications.

Meet our Collaborators

The American Thoracic Society Critical Care Assembly is the largest Assembly in the American Thoracic Society. Their members include a diverse group of intensivists and care providers for both adult and pediatric critically ill patients. The primary goal of the Critical Care Assembly is to “improve the care of the critically ill through education, research, and professional development.”

References and Further Reading

Santhosh L, Babik JM. Diversity in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Pipeline. Trends in Gender, Race, and Ethnicity among Applicants and Fellows. ATS Sch. 2020 Mar 5;1(2):152-160. doi: 10.34197/ats-scholar.2019-0024IN. PMID: 33870279; PMCID: PMC8043294.

Suber TL, Neptune ER, Lee JS. Inclusion in the Pulmonary, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine Physician-Scientist Workforce. Building with Intention. ATS Sch. 2020 Aug 12;1(4):353-363. doi: 10.34197/ats-scholar.2020-0026PS. PMID: 33870306; PMCID: PMC8015761.

Kalantari R, Tigno X, Colombini-Hatch S, Kiley J, Aggarwal N. Impact of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute’s Loan Repayment Program Funding on Retention of the National Institutes of Health Biomedical Workforce. ATS Sch. 2021 Sep 1;2(3):415-431. doi: 10.34197/ats-scholar.2020-0158OC. PMID: 34667990; PMCID: PMC8518664.

Radiology Rounds – 8/8/23

Time for another Radiology Round by our Associate Editor Tess Litchman!

We have an older-aged woman found to have gastric and duodenal ulcers requiring multiple abdominal surgeries and transhepatic biliary drainage presenting with respiratory distress

She underwent pleural fluid drainage with the following pleural fluid studies

She ultimately had a right chest tube placed with 1.6 liters of green pleural fluid was drained

Given concern for a bilothorax, a pleural and serum bilirubin test were added. Her pleural bilirubin level was 17.2 and her serum bilirubin level was 0.5. Her chest tube was maintained, IV antibiotics were started and multi-disciplinary meetings occurred to determine next steps.

50. Rapid Fire Journal Club 2 – REDUCE Trial

We’re back with our second episode of our Rapid Fire Journal Club. As a reminder, we will be reviewing articles in 10 minutes or less and sharing them with an infographic describing the findings of the trial. We are focusing on pulmonary trials to start.

Article and Reference

Today we’re talking about the 2013 REDUCE Trial in JAMA.

Reference: Leuppi JD, Schuetz P, Bingisser R, Bodmer M, Briel M, Drescher T, Duerring U, Henzen C, Leibbrandt Y, Maier S, Miedinger D, Müller B, Scherr A, Schindler C, Stoeckli R, Viatte S, von Garnier C, Tamm M, Rutishauser J. Short-term vs conventional glucocorticoid therapy in acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the REDUCE randomized clinical trial. JAMA. 2013 Jun 5;309(21):2223-31. doi: 10.1001/jama.2013.5023. PMID: 23695200.


This can be downloaded on our website and will be shared on Twitter and Instagram.

49. Top Consults: Malignant Pleural Effusions

We’re diving back into some pleural fluid today (okay that is kind of gross to think about and we apologize). If you haven’t listened to our prior pleural effusion episodes and want to start from the top, then check out Episode 36 for a general approach to pleural effusions, and Episode 37 to hear about parapneumonic effusions. Malignant effusions are another common consult question and we’ll talk about everything from detection to monitoring, to definitive management.

Meet Our Guests

Dr. David DiBardino is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Medicine and is the Associate Director for Clinical Research within the Section of Interventional Pulmonology. He is also the Program Director for the Interventional Pulmonary Fellowship there.

Dr. Jamie Bessich is an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Cardiothoracic Surgery at NYU Grossman School of Medicine. She is the Section Chief of Interventional Pulmonology and is the Director of Bronchoscopy at Tisch Hospital.

Dr. Van Holden is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and is the Pulmonary and Critical Care Fellowship Program Director there. She was last on the show for our very first Fellows’ Case Files when we discussed a fascinating case of pulmonary alveolar proteinosis.

Case Presentation

The page: 72M smoker, new effusion, concern for malignancy, tap?

Further history: 72 year old man with PMH of GOLD B COPD, tobacco use (55 pack years), HTN, HLD, and diabetes. He presented to the ED with progressive dyspnea and fatigue. He is on LAMA/LABA for his COPD, and he does not frequently have exacerbations. He has no increased sputum production or wheezing, but he has been feeling progressively fatigued and lethargic. H Over the past few weeks he has had more dyspnea on exertion, and now has it at rest too. It is a bit worse when he lies flat. He has had no weight gain or edema in his legs and has actually lost 10-15 pounds in the last 3 months. In the ED, he is newly requiring 3-4L NC, has decreased breath sounds on the right, and a CXR shows a large right-sided pleural effusion, as well as a large apical nodule with some spiculation, both of which are new from prior.

Key Learning Points

Causes of malignant pleural effusion

–Lung cancer is the most common in men

–Breast cancer is the most common cause in women

–Lung and breast cancer account for > 50% of all malignant pleural effusions

–Other less common causes are lymphoma, GU or GI tract cancer

–Remember to consider mesothelioma

Prognosis of MPE

–Malignant pleural effusion means the cancer is advanced and stage 4 by definition

–The average life expectancy after a diagnosis of MPE is 3-12 months, depending on the patient and the malignancy

Imaging and MPE

–Make sure to get a CT scan after drainage so no lesions are missed

–Ultrasound can be helpful to look for disruptions of the pleural line, loculated fluid, or pleural nodules

Pleural fluid analysis

–Make sure to send common labs (gram stain, culture, pH)

–Cell count is very important as most MPE are lymphocyte-predominant

–Triglycerides can be helpful as well (more on chylothorax in future episodes)

–Cytology is essential and makes the diagnosis. The sensitivity is 65 – 75 percent so repeat taps may be needed and you need to send at least 60 cc of fluid (often more)

–If you have high suspicion and no diagnosis after two taps, pleuroscopy and pleural biopsy is warranted

Management of MPE

–First you need to determine if the MPE is recurrent. This requires drainage and then monitoring

— The main options are repeat thoracenteses, pleurodesis, or indwelling pleural catheter. A combination can often be used, and shared decision making is essential to the determining the best option

–The three things to consider with recurrent malignant pleural effusion are:

  1. Did the patient feel better after drainage?
  2. Did the lung fully re-expand?
  3. What is the best option for this specific patient to optimize quality of life and time outside of the hospital?

–In AMPLE, pleural cetehters and talc pleurodesis were compared, and both are reasonable options with equivalent outcomes on quality of life; although pleural catehters had fewer hospital days overall.

References and Further Reading

  1. Thomas R, Fysh ETH, Smith NA, Lee P, Kwan BCH, Yap E, Horwood FC, Piccolo F, Lam DCL, Garske LA, Shrestha R, Kosky C, Read CA, Murray K, Lee YCG. Effect of an Indwelling Pleural Catheter vs Talc Pleurodesis on Hospitalization Days in Patients With Malignant Pleural Effusion: The AMPLE Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA. 2017 Nov 21;318(19):1903-1912. doi: 10.1001/jama.2017.17426. PMID: 29164255; PMCID: PMC5820726.
  2. Iyer NP, Reddy CB, Wahidi MM, Lewis SZ, Diekemper RL, Feller-Kopman D, Gould MK, Balekian AA. Indwelling Pleural Catheter versus Pleurodesis for Malignant Pleural Effusions. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2019 Jan;16(1):124-131. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201807-495OC. PMID: 30272486.
  3. Wahidi MM, Reddy C, Yarmus L, Feller-Kopman D, Musani A, Shepherd RW, Lee H, Bechara R, Lamb C, Shofer S, Mahmood K, Michaud G, Puchalski J, Rafeq S, Cattaneo SM, Mullon J, Leh S, Mayse M, Thomas SM, Peterson B, Light RW. Randomized Trial of Pleural Fluid Drainage Frequency in Patients with Malignant Pleural Effusions. The ASAP Trial. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2017 Apr 15;195(8):1050-1057. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201607-1404OC. PMID: 27898215.
  4. Feller-Kopman DJ, Reddy CB, DeCamp MM, Diekemper RL, Gould MK, Henry T, Iyer NP, Lee YCG, Lewis SZ, Maskell NA, Rahman NM, Sterman DH, Wahidi MM, Balekian AA. Management of Malignant Pleural Effusions. An Official ATS/STS/STR Clinical Practice Guideline. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2018 Oct 1;198(7):839-849. doi: 10.1164/rccm.201807-1415ST. PMID: 30272503.